


With three kids and a home business, and her disabled mother living with her, Kristen Becker often lets the dishes and laundry pile up. 8216;I am very comfortable with chaos, 8217; she says.

克里斯汀•贝克(Kristen Becker)有三个孩子,一份在家里做的生意,还有一位身患残疾的母亲和自己住在一起,在这样的情况下,她常常会任由脏盘子和脏衣服堆积如山。她说,我一点儿也不在乎又脏又乱。

Her husband isn 8217;t.


He organizes his clothing by type, color and pattern, alphabetizes his CD collection and keeps rubber gloves in his car for unexpected spills, she says.


He sometimes goads his wife into being neater by making only his half of their king-size bed, heaping the magazines and bills splayed across the kitchen counter into teetering stacks, or moving his wife 8217;s mound of laundry across the room.


Ms. Becker retaliates by letting her messes pile up even higher. But one day she couldn 8217;t take it anymore. Sick of her husband 8217;s incessant straightening and scrubbing, she decided to dismantle his neatly ordered life.


While he was at work, Ms. Becker rearranged his closet 8212; randomly moving shirts, pants and sports jackets together, and pairing slippers with boots and sandals with loafers. She moved his toiletries around in the bathroom and took papers out of his file folders and put them back in the wrong sleeves.


8216;It was delicious, 8217; says Ms. Becker, 39 years old, who runs an online gift shop from her home in Crofton, Md. 8216;I was getting him back for all those times I felt pressured to keep things clean and organized. 8217; (Her husband immediately moved everything back. He declined to be interviewed for this column.)


In the battle between messy and tidy, which side should win? Should slobs learn to be neater? Or should neat freaks loosen up?


Neatniks will tell you that order is the way of the world 8212; everything has a place and every place should be labeled. Often, they feel they bear a burden for having to clean up after their partner. Even worse: They think they hold the moral high ground.


But messy people suffer, too. They feel guilty for not being neat. They resent being controlled by someone more rigid and demanding. And they hate having to clean when they don 8217;t want to 8212; or endure the hints or griping if they refuse. (Note to my husband: I don 8217;t think I can live without you, but make just half the bed and I 8217;ll try.)


8216;I have a chronic case of Reorganization Stress Syndrome. It 8217;s when an item that used to be in Location A suddenly appears in Location B, with no warning, 8217; says Dave Brooke, 39, a supply-chain analyst in Santa Rosa, Calif. As a messy person living with a neat one, he has it worse than most: His girlfriend is a professional organizer. 8216;Having the place look beautiful and neat is a wonderful thing 8212; until I need to find something, 8217; he says.

加州圣罗萨的39岁供应链分析师戴夫•布鲁克(Dave Brooke)说,我患有慢性再整理压力综合症。当一件原本在A处的物品出现在B处的时候,就会毫无预警的发病。作为与一个爱干净的人生活在一起的拉遢鬼,他的处境比大部分人都要糟糕:他的女友是个职业整理者。他说,让地方看起来漂亮整洁是件美妙的事,不过我找不到东西了。

Having to search for your stuff is one thing. But having a fight with your partner over a sock on the floor is something else entirely. 8216;People build up resentment, and then they snap, 8217; says Carolyn Kelley North, a marriage counselor in Lighthouse Point, Fla. 8216;The sock becomes a symbol of the relationship as a whole. 8217;

不得不到处找自己的东西是一个问题。不过因为一只扔在地板上的袜子而和伴侣大吵一番却完全是另外一回事了。佛罗里达州灯塔市的婚姻顾问卡罗林•诺斯(Carolyn Kelley North)说,人们会慢慢积怨,然后会突然爆发。袜子成了整个关系的一个象征。

Yes, you heard her right: If you 8217;re not careful, the essence of the most important relationship in your life will be distilled to one dirty sock.


标签:   发布日期:2023-08-11 08:32:00  投稿会员:Aucao