残忍而美丽的情谊:The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(36)


I remember one overcast winter day, Hassan and I were running a kite. I was chasing him through neighborhoods, hopping gutters, weaving through narrow streets. I was a year older than him, but Hassan ran faster than I did, and I was falling behind.


8220;Hassan! Wait! 8221; I yelled, my breathing hot and ragged.[qh]

8220;哈桑,等等我。 8221;我气喘吁吁地大喊,有些恼怒。

He whirled around, motioned with his hand. 8220;This way! 8221; he called before dashing around another corner. I looked up, saw that the direction we were running was opposite to the one the kite was drifting.

他转过身,挥挥手: 8221;这边! 8221;说完就冲进另外一个拐角处。我抬头一看,那个方向与风筝跌落的方向恰好相反。

8220;We 8217;re losing it! We 8217;re going the wrong way! 8221; I cried out.

8220;我们追不到它了!我们跑错路了! 8221;我高声叫道。

8220;Trust me! 8221; I heard him call up ahead. I reached the corner and saw Hassan bolting along, his head down, not even looking at the sky, sweat soaking through the back of his shirt. I tripped over a rock and fell 8211;I wasn 8217;t just slower than Hassan but clumsier too; I 8217;d always envied his natural athieticism. When I staggered to my feet, I caught a glimpse of Hassan disappearing around another street corner. I hobbled after him, spikes of pain battering my scraped knees.

8220;相信我! 8221;我听见他在前面说。我跑到拐角处,发现哈桑低首飞奔,根本就没有抬头看看天空,汗水浸透了他后背的衣服。我踩到一块石头,摔了一跤 8211;我非但跑得比哈桑慢,也笨拙得多,我总是羡慕他与生俱来的运动才能。我站起身来,瞥见哈桑又拐进了另一条巷子。我艰难地追着他,摔破的膝盖传来阵阵剧痛。

I saw we had ended up on a rutted dirt road near Isteqial Middle School. There was a field on one side where lettuce grew in the summer, and a row of sour cherry trees on the other. I found Hassan sitting cross-legged at the foot of one of the trees, eating from a fistful of dried mulberries.


8220;What are we doing here? 8221; I panted, my stomach roiling with nausea.

8220;我们在这干吗呢? 8221;我上气不接下气,胃里翻江倒海,简直要吐出来。

He smiled. 8220;Sit with me, Amir agha. 8221;

他微笑: 8221;在我这边坐下,阿米尔少爷。 8221;

I dropped next to him, lay on a thin patch of snow, wheezing. 8220;You 8217;re wasting our time. It was going the other way, didn 8217;t you see? 8221;

我在他旁边颓然倒下,躺在一层薄薄的雪花上,喘着气。 8221;你在浪费时间。它朝另外一边飞去了,你没看到吗? 8221;

Hassan popped a mulberry in his mouth. 8220;It 8217;s coming, 8221; he said. I could hardly breathe and he didn 8217;t even sound tired.

哈桑往嘴里扔了一颗桑椹: 8221;它飞过来了。 8221;我呼吸艰难,而他一点都不累。

8220;How do you know? 8221; I said.

8220;你怎么知道? 8221;我问。

8220;I know. 8221;

8220;我知道。 8221;

8220;How can you know? 8221;

8220;你是怎么知道的? 8221;

He turned to me. A few sweat beads rolled from his bald scalp. 8220;Would I ever lie to you, Amir agha? 8221;

他朝我转过身,有些汗珠从他额头流下来, 8221;我骗过你吗,阿米尔少爷? 8221;

Suddenly I decided to toy with him a little. 8220;I don 8217;t know. Would you? 8221;

刹那间我决定跟他开开玩笑: 8221;我不知道。你会骗我吗? 8221;

8220;I 8217;d sooner eat dirt, 8221; he said with a look of indignation.

8220;我宁愿吃泥巴也不骗你。 8221;他带着愤愤的表情说。

标签:   发布日期:2024-03-31 05:32:00  投稿会员:Aucao