残忍而美丽的情谊:The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(45)


After another thirty minutes, only four kites remained. And I was still flying. It seemed I could hardly make a wrong move, as if every gust of wind blew in my favor. I 8217;d never felt so in command, so lucky It felt intoxicating. I didn 8217;t dare look up to the roof. Didn 8217;t dare take my eyes off the sky. I had to concentrate, play it smart. Another fifteen minutes and what had seemed like a laughable dream that morning had suddenly become reality: It was just me and the other guy. The blue kite.


The tension in the air was as taut as the glass string I was tugging with my bloody hands. People were stomping their feet, clapping, whistling, chanting, 8220;Boboresh! Boboresh! 8221; Cut him! Cut him! I wondered if Baba 8217;s voice was one of them. music blasted. The smell of steamed mantu and fried pakora drifted from rooftops and open doors.

局势紧张得如同我流血的手拉着的那条玻璃线。人们纷纷顿足、拍掌、尖叫、欢呼。 8221;干掉它!干掉它! 8221;我在想,爸爸会不会也在欢呼呢?音乐震耳欲聋,蒸馒头和油炸菜饼的香味从屋顶和敞开的门户飘出来。

But all I heard 8211;all I willed myself to hear 8211;was the thudding of blood in my head. All I saw was the blue kite. All I smelled was victory. Salvation. Redemption. If Baba was wrong and there was a God like they said in school, then He 8217;d let me win. I didn 8217;t know what the other guy was playing for, maybe just bragging rights. But this was my one chance to become someone who was looked at, not seen, listened to, not heard. If there was a God, He 8217;d guide the winds, let them blow for me so that, with a tug of my string, I 8217;d cut loose my pain, my longing. I 8217;d endured too much, come too far. And suddenly, just like that, hope became knowledge. I was going to win. It was just a matter of when.

但我所能听到的 8211;我迫使自己听到的 8211;是脑袋里血液奔流的声音。我所看到的,只是那只蓝风筝。我所闻到的,只是胜利的味道。获救。赎罪。如果爸爸是错的,如果真像他们在学校说的,有那么一位真主,那么他会让我赢得胜利。我不知道其他家伙斗风筝为了什么,也许是为了在人前吹嘘吧。但于我而言,这是惟一的机会,让我可以成为一个被注目而非仅仅被看到、被聆听而非仅仅被听到的人。倘若真主存在,他会引导风向,让它助我成功,我一拉线,就能割断我的痛苦,割断我的渴求,我业已忍耐得太久,业已走得太远。刹那之间,就这样,我信心十足。我会赢。只是迟早的问题。

It turned out to be sooner than later. A gust of wind lifted my kite and I took advantage. Fed the string, pulled up. Looped my kite on top of the blue one. I held position. The blue kite knew it was in trouble. It was trying desperately to maneuver out of the jam, but I didn 8217;t let go. I held position. The crowd sensed the end was at hand. The chorus of 8220;Cut him! Cut him! 8221; grew louder, like Romans chanting for the gladiators to kill, kill!

结果比我预想的要快。一阵风拉升了我的风筝,我占据了有利的位置。我卷开线,让它飞高。我的风筝转了一个圈,飞到那只蓝色家伙的上面,我稳住位置。蓝风筝知道自己麻烦来了,它绝望地使出各种花招,试图摆脱险境,但我不会放过它,我稳住位置。人群知道胜负即将揭晓。 8221;干掉它!干掉它! 8221;的齐声欢呼越来越响,仿佛罗马人对着斗士高喊 8221;杀啊!杀啊! 8221;。

8220;You 8217;re almost there, Amir agha! Almost there! 8221; Hassan was panting.

8220;你快赢了,阿米尔少爷,快赢了! 8221;哈桑兴奋得直喘气。

Then the moment came. I closed my eyes and loosened my grip on the string. It sliced my fingers again as the wind dragged it. And then 8230; I didn 8217;t need to hear the crowd 8217;s roar to know I didn 8217;t need to see either. Hassan was screaming and his arm was wrapped around my neck.


8220;Bravo! Bravo, Amir agha! 8221;

8220;太棒了!太棒了!阿米尔少爷! 8221;

I opened my eyes, saw the blue kite spinning wildly like a tire come loose from a speeding car. I blinked, tried to say something. Nothing came out. Suddenly I was hovering, looking down on myself from above. Black leather coat, red scarf, faded jeans. A thin boy, a little sallow, and a tad short for his twelve years. He had narrow shoulders and a hint of dark circles around his pale hazel eyes. The breeze rustled his light brown hair. He looked up to me and we smiled at each other.


标签:   发布日期:2024-03-30 05:32:00  投稿会员:Aucao