残忍而美丽的情谊:The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(113)


A CREATIVE WRITING TEACHER at San Jose State used to say about clichés: “Avoid them like the plague.” Then he’d laugh at his own joke. The class laughed along with him, but I always thought clichés got a bum rap. Because, often, they’re dead-on. But the aptness of the clichéd saying is overshadowed by the nature of the saying as a cliché. For example, the “elephant in the room” saying. Nothing could more correctly describe the initial moments of my reunion with Rahim Khan.

圣荷塞州立大学有位创作老师经常谈起陈词滥调:“应该像逃瘟疫那样避开它们。”然后他会为自己的幽默笑起来。全班也跟着他大笑,可是我总觉得这种对陈词滥调的指责毫无价值。因为它们通常准确无误。但是因为人们把这些说法当成陈词滥调,它们的贴切反而无人提及。例如,“房间里的大象” [指大家都知道,但避而不谈的事情]这句话,用来形容我和拉辛汗重逢那一刻再也贴切不过了。

We sat on a wispy mattress set along the wall, across the window overlooking the noisy street below. Sunlight slanted in and cast a triangular wedge of light onto the Afghan rug on the floor. Two folding chairs rested against one wall and a small copper samovar sat in the opposite corner. I poured us tea from it.


“How did you find me?” I asked.


“It’s not difficult to find people in America. I bought a map of the U.S., and called up information for cities in Northern California,” he said. “It’s wonderfully strange to see you as a grown man.”


I smiled and dropped three sugar cubes in my tea. He liked his black and bitter, I remembered. “Baba didn’t get the chance to tell you but I got married fifteen years ago.” The truth was, by then, the cancer in Baba’s brain had made him forgetful, negligent.


“You are married? To whom?”


“Her name is Soraya Taheri.” I thought of her back home, worrying about me. I was glad she wasn’t alone.


“Taheri 8230; whose daughter is she?”


I told him. His eyes brightened. “Oh, yes, I remember now. Isn’t General Taheri married to Sharif jan’s sister? What was her name 8230;”


“Jamila jan.”


“Balay!” he said, smiling. “I knew Sharif jan in Kabul, long time ago, before he moved to America.”


“He’s been working for the INS for years, handles a lot of Afghan cases.”


“Haiiii,” he sighed. “Do you and Soraya jan have children?”




标签:   发布日期:2024-03-22 08:02:00  投稿会员:Aucao