



Q. What would happen if you were to gather a mole (unit of measurement) of moles (the small furry critter) in one place?

Q.如果你把一摩尔的鼹鼠放到一起会发生什么? 8211;肖恩.赖斯

A. THINGS GET A BIT gruesome. First, some definitions.


A mole is a unit. It 8217;s not a typical unit, though. It 8217;s really just a number-like 8220;dozen 8221; or 8220;billion. 8221; If you have a mole of something, it means you have 602,214,129,000,000,000,000,000 of them (usually written 6.022 × 1023). It 8217;s such a big number1 because it 8217;s used for counting numbers of molecules, which there are a lot of.

摩尔是一个计量单位,而不是典型的那些单位。它其实就是一个数字,就像 8221;一打 8221;或 8221;十亿 8221;那样。如果你有1摩尔的某种东西,那么这意味着你有602214129000000000000000个(通常写成6.022×1023)这种东西。这个数字无比巨大2,因为它就是用来计算分子数的,而分子可是有许许多多的。

A mole is also a type of burrowing mammal. There are a handful of types of moles, and some of them are truly horrifying.2 So what would a mole of moles-602,214,129,000,000,000,000,000 animals-look like?

8220;Mole 8221;也可以指一种会打洞的哺乳生物:鼹鼠。鼹鼠的种类有许多,其中有一些看上去非常吓人。那么一摩尔(602214129000000000000000只)鼹鼠放到一起会是什么样的呢?

First, let 8217;s start with wild approximations. This is an example of what might go through my head before I even pick up a calculator, when I 8217;m just trying to get a sense of the quantities-the kind of calculation where 10, 1, and 0.1 are all close enough that we can consider them equal:


A mole (the animal) is small enough for me to pick up and throw.[citation needed ] Anything I can throw weighs 1 pound. One pound is 1 kilogram. The number 602,214,129,000,000,000,000,000 looks about twice as long as a trillion, which means it 8217;s about a trillion trillion. I happen to remember that a trillion trillion kilograms is how much a planet weighs. . . . if anyone asks, I did not tell you it was okay to do math like this.


That 8217;s enough to tell us that we 8217;re talking about a pile of moles on the scale of a planet. It 8217;s a pretty rough estimate, since it could be off by a factor of thousands in either direction.


Let 8217;s get some better numbers.


An eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus) weighs about 75 grams, which means a mole of moles weighs:

一只东部鼹鼠(拉丁学名:Scalopus aquaticus)重约75克,也就是说一摩尔的鼹鼠重:

That 8217;s a little over half the mass of our moon.


Mammals are largely water. A kilogram of water takes up a liter of volume, so if the moles weigh 4.52 × 1022 kilograms, they take up about 4.52 × 1022 liters of volume. You might notice that we 8217;re ignoring the pockets of space between the moles. In a moment, you 8217;ll see why.


The cube root of 4.52 × 1022 liters is 3562 kilometers, which means we 8217;re talking about a sphere with a radius of 2210 kilometers, or a cube 2213 miles on each edge.


If these moles were released onto the Earth 8217;s surface, they 8217;d fill it up to 80 kilometers deep-just about to the (former) edge of space: This smothering ocean of high-pressure meat would wipe out most life on the planet, which could-to reddit 8217;s horror-threaten the integrity of the DNS system. So doing this on Earth is definitely not an option.


Instead, let 8217;s gather the moles in interplanetary space. Gravitational attraction would pull them into a sphere. Meat doesn 8217;t compress very well, so it would undergo only a little bit of gravitational contraction, and we 8217;d end up with a mole planet slightly larger than the Moon.


The moles would have a surface gravity of about one-sixteenth of Earth 8217;s-similar to that of Pluto. The planet would start off uniformly lukewarm-probably a bit over room temperature-and the gravitational contraction would heat the deep interior by a handful of degrees.


But this is where it gets weird.


The mole planet would be a giant sphere of meat. It would have a lot of latent energy (there are enough calories in the mole planet to support the Earth 8217;s current population for 30 billion years). Normally, when organic matter decomposes, it releases much of that energy as heat. But throughout the majority of the planet 8217;s interior, the pressure would be over 100 megapascals, which is high enough to kill all bacteria and sterilize the mole remains-leaving no microorganisms to break down the mole tissue.


Closer to the surface, where the pressure would be lower, there would be another obstacle to decomposition-the interior of a mole planet would be low in oxygen. Without oxygen, the usual decomposition couldn 8217;t happen, and the only bacteria that would be able to break down the moles would be those that don 8217;t require oxygen. While inefficient, this anaerobic decomposition can unlock quite a bit of heat. If continued unchecked, it would heat the planet to a boil.


But the decomposition would be self-limiting. Few bacteria can survive at temperatures above about 60°C, so as the temperature went up, the bacteria would die off, and the decomposition would slow. Throughout the planet, the mole bodies would gradually break down into kerogen, a mush of organic matter that would-if the planet were hotter-eventually form oil.


The outer surface of the planet would radiate heat into space and freeze. Because the moles form a literal fur coat, when frozen they would insulate the interior of the planet and slow the loss of heat to space. However, the flow of heat in the liquid interior would be dominated by convection. Plumes of hot meat and bubbles of trapped gases like methane-along with the air from the lungs of the deceased moles-would periodically rise through the mole crust and erupt volcanically from the surface, a geyser of death blasting mole bodies free of the planet.

鼹鼠星的外表面会向外辐射热量并冻结起来,冰冻的外壳就像给整个星球穿了一件毛大衣一样,会把星球内部和外太空隔绝开来,因而会减缓热量向外太空流失的速度。然而在液体内部,热传递的主要形式为对流,滚烫的肉浆和像甲烷(以及死去的鼹鼠肺中的空气)这样被困在其中的气体形成的气泡会在鼹鼠星的地壳里周期性地翻滚上来,从地表猛烈喷发出来并形成 8221;死亡 8221;间歇泉,将无数鼹鼠的尸体抛射出鼹鼠星球。

Eventually, after centuries or millennia of turmoil, the planet would calm and cool enough that it would begin to freeze all the way through. The deep interior would be under such high pressure that as it cooled, the water would crystallize out into exotic forms of ice such as ice III and ice V, and eventually ice II and ice IX.4


All told, this is a pretty bleak picture. Fortunately, there 8217;s a better approach.


I don 8217;t have any reliable numbers for global mole population (or small mammal biomass in general), but we 8217;ll take a shot in the dark and estimate that there are at least a few dozen mice, rats, voles, and other small mammals for every human.


There might be a billion habitable planets in our galaxy. If we colonized them, we 8217;d certainly bring mice and rats with us. If just one in a hundred were populated with small mammals in numbers similar to Earth 8217;s, after a few million years-not long, in evolutionary time-the total number that have ever lived would surpass Avogadro 8217;s number.


If you want a mole of moles, build a spaceship.


8220;One mole 8221; is close to the number of atoms in a gram of hydrogen. It 8217;s also, by chance, a decent ballpark guess for the number of grains of sand on Earth.


That 8217;s a neat coincidence I 8217;ve never noticed before 8211; a cubic mile happens to be almost exactly 3π cubic kilometers, so a sphere with a radius of X kilometers has the same volume as a cube that 8217;s X miles on each side.


No relation.


标签:   发布日期:2024-03-09 06:32:00  投稿会员:Aucao