

Here 8217;s an example DNA “strand”:


In our model, each chromosome contains one piece of information. This piece of information is either a stat (a number, usually between 1 and 18) or a multiplier. The last one, SEX, is the sex-determining chromosome, which, as with real human genetics, can be “X” or “Y.”


Just like in real life, each person has two sets of chromosomes-one from their mother and one from their father. Imagine that your genes looked like this:


The combination of these two sets of stats determines a person 8217;s characteristics. Here 8217;s the simple rule for combining stats in our system:


If you have a number for both versions of a chromosome, you get the bigger number as your stat. If you have a number on one chromosome and a multiplier on the other, your stat is the number times the multiplier. If you have a multiplier on both sides, you get a stat of 1.


Here 8217;s how our hypothetical character from earlier would turn out:


When one parent contributes a multiplier and the other contributes a number, the result can be very good! This character 8217;s constitution is a superhuman 24. In fact, other than a low score in wisdom, this character has great stats all around.


Now, let 8217;s say this character (call her “Alice”) meets someone else (“Bob”):


Bob also has stellar stats:


If they have a child, each one will contribute a strand of DNA. But the strand they contribute will be a random mix of their mother and father strands. Every sperm cell-and every egg cell-contains a random combination of chromosomes from each strand. So let 8217;s say Bob and Alice make the following sperm and egg:


If these sperm and egg combine, the child 8217;s stats will look like this:


Alice has her mother 8217;s strength and her father 8217;s wisdom. She also has superhuman intelligence, thanks to the very good 14 contributed by Alice and the multiplier contributed by Bob. Her constitution, on the other hand, is much weaker than either of her parents, since her mother 8217;s 2x multiplier could only do so much with the “5” contributed by her father.


标签:   发布日期:2024-03-03 07:32:00  投稿会员:Aucao