名著精读《飘》第一章 第21节


The troop of cavalry had been organized three months before, the very day that Georgia seceded from the Union, and since then the recruits had been whistling for war. The outfit was as yet unnamed, though not for want of suggestions. Everyone had his own idea on that subject and was loath to relinquish it, just as everyone had ideas about the color and cut of the uniforms. “Clayton Wild Cats,” “Fire Eaters,” “North Georgia Hussars,” “Zouaves,” “The Inland Rifles” (although the Troop was to be armed with pistols, sabers and bowie knives, and not with rifles), “The Clayton Grays,” “The Blood and Thunderers,” “The Rough and Readys,” all had their adherents. Until matters were settled, everyone referred to the organization as the Troop and, despite the high-sounding name finally adopted, they were known to the end of their usefulness simply as “The Troop.”

骑兵营是三个月前佐治亚州脱离联邦那天成立起来的,从那以后那些入伍的新兵便一直在盼望打仗。至今这个组织还没有命名,尽管已经有了种种方案。对于这个问题,正像对于军服的颜色和式样什么的,每个人都有自己的主张,并且都不愿意放弃。什么 8221;克莱顿野猫 8221;啦, 8221;暴躁人 8221;啦, 8221;北佐治亚轻骑兵 8221;啦, 8221;义勇军 8221;, 8221;内地步枪兵 8221;啦(尽管这个营将是用手枪、军刀和单刃猎刀而不是用步枪来装备 8221;克莱顿灰衣人 8221;啦, 8221;血与怒吼者 8221;啦, 8221;莽汉和应声出击者 8221;啦,所有这些名称都不乏附和者。在问题没有解决之前,大家都称呼这个组织为 8221;营 8221;,而且,不管最终采用的名称多么响亮,他们始终用的是简简单单的一个 8221;营 8221;字。


The officers were elected by the members, for no one in the County had had any military experience except a few veterans of the Mexican and Seminole wars and, besides, the Troop would have scorned a veteran as a leader if they had not personally liked him and trusted him. Everyone liked the four Tarleton boys and the three Fontaines, but regretfully refused to elect them, because the Tarletons got lickered up too quickly and liked to skylark, and the Fontaines had such quick, murderous tempers. Ashley Wilkes was elected captain, because he was the best rider in the County and because his cool head was counted on to keep some semblance of order. Raiford Calvert was made first lieutenant, because everybody liked Raif, and Abel Wynder, son of a swamp trapper, himself a small farmer, was elected second lieutenant.


标签:   发布日期:2024-02-20 05:32:00  投稿会员:Aucao