



1、让你失望的人怎么可能只让你失望一次啊?How could the person who let you down only let you down once?

2、some people wait for misty rain others blame the rain有人等烟雨,有人怪雨急

3、The moon fell into the river without seeing the bottom,and the stars looked down and startled. 月亮坠落不见底的河,星星垂眸惊动来舸。


4、Please be true to yourself for the rest of your life. 余生就那么长还请忠于自己。

5、、Will you suddenly think of my good one day and then full of regret你会不会突然有一天想起我的好,然后满是遗憾

6、你没资格说我变了,因为我变了都是拜你所赐。You have no right to say that I have changed, because I have changed because of you.

7、唯一,听上去,就像一个谎言。The only one sounds like a lie.

8、I still like you, serious and pussy, from one to the end我还是喜欢你,认真且念,从一而终

9、看热闹的那么多,能帮你解围的却寥寥无几。There are so many people watching, but few can help you out.

10、每天重复着上演,崩溃和自愈。Repeatedly staged, collapsed and healed every day.

11、、No matter how painful you are tonight the world isstill busy tomorrow morning无论今夜你怎样痛不欲生,明日清晨这个世界依旧车水马龙

12、、there are thousands of people waiting for you at the end of the world千萬記得天涯有人在等你

13、I hope someone will accompany you to step on thesnow and eat hot pot this winter希望这个冬天有人陪你一起踩雪吃火锅

14、A good night"s sleep is the way to restart your life好好睡一觉就是人生的重启方式,

15、If you walk so gently, the wind will be a little sweet. 你那么温柔,走两步,风都会甜一点。

16、余生千万不要再见,我怕失了体面。Never meet again for the rest of my life, I"m afraid I will lose my respect.

17、你要走了,却不问我接下来要怎么办。You are leaving without asking me what to do next.

18、你塞满了我的整个过去,却在我的未来永久缺席。You are filled with my entire past, but you are permanently absent in my future.

19、当初喜欢你是真的,现在不喜欢你也是真的。It was true that I liked you at the beginning, and it is true that I don"t like you now.

20、后来我等了很久,才明白感情不隔夜。Later, I waited for a long time to realize that feelings are not overnight.

21、Thousands of miles in the mountains you are my joy hidden in the breeze山野万里,你是我藏在微风里的欢喜


标签: qq 英文   发布日期:2023-03-09 13:31:42  投稿会员:dengqiong