



1、目光所及都是你,亿万星辰不及你,我未来的故事都关于你。 All I can see is you. Billions of stars are not as big as you. All my future stories are about you.

2、I saved my life"s good luck just to meet you at the right time 我攒了一生的好运 只为在对的时间遇见你

3、我想成为你的夜晚,也想成为你的早晨。I want to be your night, and I want to be your morning.


4、The remaining warmth of the palm is still there, but the heart is firmly locked by you 手心的余温尚在,心却被你牢牢锁住

5、笑容可以给任何人,但你的心给我一个人就好!Smile can give anyone, but your heart give me a person!

6、When autumn comes, the leaves leave the branches with the wind, and you also leave me. Is it because of the wind 无聊的下午,打开电脑看到你的照片,我顿时满心欢喜

7、I am penniless and have no future. How dare I delay such a young and beautiful girl 自己身无分文,前途渺茫,怎么敢耽误如此妙龄美少女

8、见色起意也好,一见钟情也罢,反正我就是喜欢你,只喜欢你。It"s love at first sight or at first sight. I just like you. I just like you.

9、If you live on your cell phone late at night, will you be unable to sleep like me 深夜里住在手机中的你,是否也会像我一样睡不着

10、I opened the door of my heart for you. You left, but you locked it. In the end, you didn"t give me the key 我为你打开了心门,你走了,却上了锁,到最后也没有给我钥匙

11、你是我明目张胆的喜欢,众所周知的宠爱。You are my blatant favorite, known love.

12、Sometimes what you never forget is not necessarily love, but your own memories and obsessions. Putting down two words is too simple and too difficult 有时候念念不忘的,不一定是爱情,而是自己的回忆和执念,放下两个字,太简单又太难

13、有你的日子才叫将来,没你的日子只能将就。Have your day is called the future, do not have your day only.

14、我的眼里没有星辰,没有大海,只有你。There are no stars in my eyes, no sea, only you.

15、一生所求,爱与自由,你与温柔。What I want in life, love and freedom, you and gentleness.

16、很多东西看久了都会腻,唯独你越看越欢喜。A lot of things to see for a long time will be tired of, but you see the more joy.

17、Only a few inches of starry sky in summer night, like her eyebrows and eyes 只见夏夜星空几寸,似她的眉眼动人

18、Please don"t look back. I"ve decided to go away‘ 请你不要回头,我已经决定远走了

19、Your enthusiasm and indifference make me unprepared 你的热情和冷漠 ,都让我措不及防

20、When autumn comes, the leaves leave the branches with the wind, and you also leave me. Is it because of the wind 秋天到了,树叶随着风离开了枝头,你也离开了我,难道是因为有风吗

21、We are all too emotional to be sentimental 我们都太感性了,才容易多愁善感

22、承蒙时光不弃,你一直爱,我一直在!Thanks to the time does not abandon, you have been in love, I have been!


标签: 爱情 英文   发布日期:2022-12-19 13:32:33  投稿会员:dengqiong