work quietly作文不少于8句话


英语也是我们必须要学到的课程,每个人的身上多精通一些技能也是未尝不可,这是对自己的一种加分项,也是一种优势。小编整理了work quietly作文不少于8句话,来看看吧!

1、They do not allow me to work quietly, which is the reason why I stop writing at this moment.

2、We should work quietly so that we don"t disturb others.

3、Not everyone is like me, some people do not prefer working quietly.

4、Sometimes working with others involves discussion we should try our best to avoid making too much noise.

5、I prefer to work quietly, because I think the human mind works its best when it is calm and free of distractions.

6、They tend to be noisy, and try to converse with other people when they work. Being in a room with these people is dreadful.

7、It is a good manner to stay quiet because every one wants not be distracted.

8、where they can work quietly, as well as coffee shops, cafés and outdoor spaces for meetings and phone calls.

work quietly作文不少于8句话

标签: 作文   发布日期:2021-10-29 17:26:52  投稿会员:dengqiong