说晚安的美好英文句子 英语晚安100句


1. good night
2. good evening
3. nighty-night
4. bon soir
5. goodnight
6. good-night
7. bonne nuit
8. bonswar

Long Kiss Goodnight
Good night then.
He wished her good night.
Sweet dreams!
He yawned out a good night.
14. 他说了声‘晚安’, 就去睡觉了.
He said, `Goodnight," and went to bed.
15. 晚安, 睡个好觉!
Good night, sleep tight!
16. 晚安--祝你做好梦!
Good night -- sweet dreams!
17如果是刚刚入夜,不妨说 Have a good night.祝你夜晚愉快。
18Have a good dream.-好梦。
have a good sleep
20Have a sound sleep. 睡个好觉
21have a nice sleep! 睡个好觉
22Have a sweet dream.做个好梦
23Sweet dreams 做个好梦
24Have a pleasant dreams 做个好梦
25Don"t stay up too late 别熬得太晚了
26bonsoir 晚安,晚上好,祝您晚安
27Gute Nacht 晚安再见
28buenas noches 晚上好;晚安![夜间告别用语]

说晚安的美好英文句子 英语晚安100句


Stars lit, the night sky not dark: Greetings accompanied, the soul will not be lonely;
blessing, send you warm. May you have sweet dreams tonight, good night!


有志者,事竟成.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart./Where there is a will there is a way.
千里之行,始于足下.The longest journey begins with the first step.
积少成多.Every little helps.
好的开端是成功的一半.Well begun is half done.

成功源于勤奋.Industry is the parent of success.
滴水穿石.Little stone fell great oaks.

少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲.A young idler,an old beggar.

天生我才必有用.Every man has his price.

世上无难事,只要肯登攀.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
不入虎穴,焉得虎子.Noting venture,noting gain.
不经风雨,怎能见彩虹. No cross, no crown.
没有付出,就没有收获.No pain, no gain.

No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧.

The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron,yet with firm strides we are conquring its summit.雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越.
My journey is long and winding, I will keep on exploring my way far and wide.路漫漫其修远兮,我将上下而求索.
Make your whole year"s plan in the spring and the whole day"s plan in the morning.一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨.
细节决定成败.Details is the key to success.

Rejoicing in hope, patienting in trabulation.从希望中得到快乐,在磨难中保持坚韧.

Something attempted,something done.

Knowledge is a measure, but practise is the key to it.知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙.

标签: 英语 说晚安   发布日期:2019-12-29 10:57:17  投稿会员: