daring02经典语录 daring02的配音演员是谁啊


题主说的是darling in the frankxx中的女主角02,她身份神秘且额头长有犄角乃至没有真实名字,只有固定代zero two。她的配音演员是众人所熟知的美女声优户松遥,虽然年近30不过依旧美丽可爱。
户松遥从07年出道至今大大小小出演过很多作品,能够娴熟地变换各种声线,风格类型不同的角色都能够演绎出独有的人物特色,同时唱功不错给不少动漫演唱opp ed。这几年比较出名的配音角色有刀剑神域的女主亚丝娜,魔笛MAGI中的女一号迦娜,邻桌的怪同学中的水谷雫等。

daring02经典语录 daring02的配音演员是谁啊

跪求一张《Daring in the Franxx》02的插画,是半写实画风的,谢谢!



Sweet Pea: Everyone has an Angel. A Guardian who watches over us. We can"t know what form they"ll take One day, Old man, Next day, Little girl. But don"t let appearances fool you, They can be as fierce as any dragon. Yet they"re not here to fight our battles. But to whisper from our hearts. Reminding that it"s us. Its everyone of us who holds power over the world we create.
Sweet Pea: You can deny angels exist, Convince ourselves they can"t be real. But they show up anyway, at strange places and at strange times. They can speak through any character we can imagine. They"ll shout through demons if they have to. Daring us, challenging us to fight.
Wiseman: If you don"t stand for something, you"ll fall for anything.
Wiseman: For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know.
Sweet Pea: Who honors those we love for the very life we live? Who sends monsters to kill us. And at the same time, things that will never die. Who teaches us whats real, and how to laugh at lies. Who decides why we live, and what we"ll die to defend. Who trains us, and who holds the key to set us free. It"s you. You have all the weapons you need. Now fight!
Wiseman: Don"t ever write a check with your mouth you can"t cash with your ass. Oh, and one more thing... don"t wake the mother.(这句没找到,,,)