平平淡淡的生活感悟 平平淡淡的生活感悟成语有哪些


粗茶淡饭cū chá dàn fàn
[释义] 粗:粗糙;淡饭:指没有多少下饭的菜。指粗糙简单的饭食;形容生活俭朴清苦。也作“淡饭粗茶”。
[语出] 宋·杨万里《得小儿寿俊家书》诗:“经须父子早归田;粗茶淡饭终残年。”
[正音] 粗;不能读作“chū”。
[辨形] 茶;不能写作“荼”;淡;不能写作“谈”。
[近义] 家常便饭 粗衣粝食
[反义] 山珍海味
[用法] 可用来形容饭食简单或生活俭仆;清苦。一般作主语、谓语、宾语。
[结构] 联合式。
[辨析] ~和“家常便饭”;都表示饭食简单;不讲究。但~偏重在简单;不讲究;还可形容生活俭朴、清苦;“家常便饭”指日常吃的;还可比喻司空见惯;习以为常的事。
[例句] 我家生活虽然比较困难;但~还能管你饱。

平平淡淡的生活感悟 平平淡淡的生活感悟成语有哪些

一直觉得轰轰烈烈才是生活 现在明白平平淡淡才适合生活 这句话怎么样,自己感悟的



About Life:
Life is a dream, time and merciless. When I look back, only to find people alive is a kind of mood. Poor Ye Hao, Fu Ye Hao, may Ye Hao, lost Ye Hao. All these are thing of the past. Think about it, regardless of yesterday, today, tomorrow, is a beautiful day can suddenly see the light. Regardless of family ties, friendship, love, can always treasure is a good mood.
I remember a classic text message reads: to have, do not forget; have been more treasure; their own do not give up; has been reserved for the lost memories; you want to get we must strive; tired, the heart to dock; options a, do not regret; hard and we have to know how satisfied; pain and we have to enjoy life; hurt and we have to understand the strong; always windy in the morning; always gorgeous sunset; always meteor night. Life is like a one-way ticket, never to return, no rehearsals, and each is broadcast live. A good grasp of every performance is the best treasure of life. Grasp the opportunity, Cheong enjoy life!